It’s Easy To Use SuperUp!

For automobiles and trucks, just add SuperUp every time you get gas.(If you forget sometimes, don’t worry. Just start using it again as soon as possible).

For other vehicles and equipment such as chain saws, snow mobiles, and personal water craft, add 1 ounce to every 5 gallons.

The following shows how much to add based on your car’s gas gauge, assuming you are already using SuperUp on a regular basis.

If you like to wait until you’re driving on fumes, add one full bottle (4 ounces) of SuperUp to your tank before you add the gas. Then fill up as usual. You can attain quick mixing if you rock your car after filling, or just drive over a few railroad tracks.

If you are like most people and like to fill up when you get down to a quarter tanks worth of gas, add ¾ to 1 bottle (3 to 4 ounces) of SuperUp to the tank. Then fill up with gas as usual.

If you are slightly more conservative and don’t wish to go below a half tank of gas, add ½ bottle (2 ounces) of SuperUp to the tank. Then fill up with gas as usual.

If you are really scared of running out of gas, or just like to keep your tank topped off and never want it to go below ¾ full, add ¼ bottle (1 ounce) of SuperUp to the tank. Then fill up with gas as usual.

Of course, if your gas tank is full there is no need to add SuperUp. Unless, of course, you’ve never used SuperUp before. If that’s the case, go ahead and put a full bottles worth (4 ounces) in your tank. Then drive as usual.

 1 bottle = $3.99 plus $4.00 s&h

4 bottle set = $15.96 plus $7.50 s&h

6 bottle set = $23.94 plus $12.00 s&h

8 bottle set = $31.92 plus $15.00 s&h

12 bottle set = $47.88 plus $18.00 s&h